ASPBAE Bulletin May-June 2018


Dear ASPBAE Members and Friends,

Please find attached the combined May-June 2018 edition of the ASPBAE Bulletin. This issue contains the following articles –

ASPBAE convenes regional workshop on civil society Spotlight Reports for High-level Political Forum (HLPF) 2019

Agreeing on an action plan for the Coordination Group of the Collective Consultation of NGOs on Education 2030 (CCNGO/ED 2030)

Working towards education for sustainable development in the Mekong Region

Bringing the United Nations closer to young people

Strong civil society participation in June 2018 GPE Board meeting

Arab Campaign for Education for All (ACEA) organises pioneering conference on financing education in the Arab region

Strengthening coalition activities in Afghanistan

Forging ties and enabling cross learning amongst national education coalitions in the South Pacific

Samoa Education Network (SEN) looking to build its constituency

Exploring how community education can contribute to global citizenship (ACE Aotearoa National Conference 2018, New Zealand)

Following up on Timor Leste’s commitment to increase the country’s education budget

NNER holds national seminar on education privatisation and the role of teacher’s unions in Myanmar’s education reforms

Accountability towards advocating for adult education to wider networks (Training of Master Trainers follow-up workshop, Lao PDR)

Deepening understanding of lifelong learning at the National University of Laos

DVV International Laos wins Grundtvig Award for professionalisation of non-formal adult education providers

ANNOUNCEMENT – ‘The Culture of Testing: Socio-cultural Impacts on Learning in Asia and the Pacific’ (A UNESCO Bangkok study)

Farewell, Prakash (Message of condolence from ASPBAE Secretary-General, Maria Khan, on the passing away of Prakash Singh, founder of the Innovative Forum for Community Development (IFCD), an ASPBAE member in Nepal)

Education News and Views – Taking SDG 4.2 from Policy to Action: Nepal to host 3rd Asia-Pacific Regional Policy Forum on Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE)

VOICES – From ASPBAE’s Membership (ASPBAE introduces a new section in the Bulletin. We begin with a contribution from Bunyad, Pakistan) I hope you enjoy reading this edition of the Bulletin. Your comments and feedback are always welcome.

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