Country Brief RTEI in Indonesia


What is RTEI?

The Right to Education Index (RTEI) is a new global index designed to drive accountability and progress toward realizing the right to education. RTEI works with civil society, research institutions, and governments to collect data on a wide variety of indicators of the right to education to identify progress being made toward the fulfillment of the right to education as well as obstacles to it. RTEI will be conducted on a biennial basis to track such progress, identify trends and support effort toward to the right to education.

RTEI initiative in Indonesia was carried out by Network for Education Watch (NEW) Indonesia supported by RESULTS Education Fund Inc. NEW Indonesia has filled out the answer of RTEI questionnaire and validated by two independent peer reviewer and government representative. This RTEI case study literature was further developed in consultation with members of network and education experts.

Overview of the RTEI Results in Indonesia The overall score of the RTEI in Indonesia in 2017 is 77%1. The score for each theme was considered satisfactory where the score for Governance theme is 85 percent2, Availability 87 percent3, Accessibility 85 percent4, Acceptability 68 percent,and Adaptability 61 percent6. The score indicated that the government commitment to fulfill the rights of its citizen on education is satisfaction. This also can be seen on the sub-themes of the questionnaires of the RTEI where each score for Domestic Law and Plan of Action score was 100 percent. This indicates that the country has highly committed to respects, protect and fulfill the communities right on education through provide and develop a comprehensive regulation aligned with International Framework.

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