ASPBAE Bulletin November 2017


Dear ASPBAE Members and Friends,

Please find attached the ASPBAE Bulletin for November 2017. The following articles are covered in this edition –

Strengthening accountability in the implementation of SDG4-Education 2030 (High-Level Ministerial panel discussion on SDG4-Education 2030)

Audrey Azoulay appointed Director-General of UNESCO

Engaging UNDP and sectors outside education to lobby for education in the SDGs

Equipping youth and adult education practitioners and advocates to advance the new education agenda in the Asia Pacific (Basic Leadership Development Course, BLDC)

Building capacities of national education coalitions in the South Pacific (Sub-regional training on programmes and policy advocacy)

Fund the Future: Let’s Make Education a Priority (Pakistan Coalition for Education National Conference)

‘Education: Quality, Financing and Accountability’ (AFE Mongolia National Education Conference)

Learning from the Thai experience in non-formal and informal education

Young women researchers draft Charter of Demands for better education and livelihood training opportunities

CED Sri Lanka submits proposal on its government’s policy education framework and urges education reforms in the country

New UK parliament report finds Bridge’s model problematic and raises questions about UK funding

Financing for SDG4: Making global education a reality (Statement of support to the GPE funding replenishment by the SDG-Education 2030 Steering Committee)

Statement by the Global Campaign for Education on the Rohingya Crisis

UNESCO girls’ and women’s education prize-winner provides stateless girls with life skills and education

Sub-Regional News and Views – EU, ILO, and UN Women join forces to realise women migrant workers’ rights and opportunities in the ASEAN region.

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