2016 Right to Education Index Results


The Right to Education Index (RTEI) is a global accountability initiative that aims to ensure that all people, no matter where they live, enjoy their right to a quality education./resultsORG.

2016 Right to Education Index Results

The following contains Right to Education Index (RTEI) results for the fifteen countries that participated in RTEI in 2016. These results consist strictly of scores for the overall index, themes, subthemes, and cross-cutting themes. This is not a comprehensive report but solely the scores to be shared across the RTEI community of practice for immediate information. Partners will further use RTEI results for deeper analysis of key issue areas and the development of country briefs.

The following contains:

1.           What is RTEI?

2.           Interpreting RTEI Results

3.           Australia

4.           Canada

5.           Chile

6.           Democratic Republic of Congo

7.           Ethiopia

8.           Honduras

9.           Indonesia

10.         Korea

11.         Nigeria

12.         Palestine

13.         Philippines

14.         Tanzania

15.         United Kingdom

16.         United States

17.         Zimbabwe

RESULTS Educational Fund (RESULTS) is a non-profit citizens’ advocacy organization tha creating the public and political will to end poverty by empowering individuals to exercise their personal

and political power for change since 1981. RESULTS focuses its advocacy efforts towards achieving education for all, expanding access to microfinance for the very poor, and addressing diseases of poverty such as tuberculosis, childhood undernutrition, and child immunizations. It works with volunteers in more than 100 communities across the United States, coordinates campaigns with international affiliates in Canada, Mexico, the UK, Japan, Australia, and South Korea, and partners with national advocacy organizations in donor and developing countries.

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